For What It's Worth

A bit of a long read, but it precisely encapsulates where we are and where we're headed. Read on.

by James Quinn

There is something happening here, and what it is ain’t exactly clear. The series of continuous crisis caused by government actions has allowed the political class in conjunction with an oligopoly of bankers and mega-corporations to hijack the American Republic. The American public has allowed this to happen by being distracted by the imaginary differences between the Democratic and Republican parties. There is virtually no difference between these parties. Both parties have taken away American freedoms and liberties. The government has waged undeclared wars since the 1950’s, they have restricted freedom of speech, freedom to own a gun, freedom to healthcare, freedom to protest, and freedom to live our lives the way we choose. Government used the 9/11 attack to create a new bureaucracy that can monitor citizens on an colossal and treacherous scale. The government used the financial crisis, which was caused by government policies, to strengthen their power over the financial industry, in order to advance their agenda of debt financed expansion of the corporate fascist state. This crisis will destroy 1,000 small banks and shift more authority to the ten mega-banks that control 75% of the U.S. market.

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