Counter-screenings planned for "2012" doom flick

The Dark Forces, in the guise of the Hollywood Elite, are getting set to foist their fear-based interpretation of 2012 upon our collective psyche. Fortunately, some enlightened minds are countering the propaganda with a series of 2012 counter-screenings.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dimensional Shift

Considering that nobody knows what’s going to happen in 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar functions as a tremendously intriguing meme upon which we can project our hopes and fears, dreams and desires. Hollywood has now offered up a massive collective shadow projection in the form of a $250 million disaster epic that takes the aesthetics of annihilation to a new pitch of perfection. Paradoxically, this doom-riddled blockbuster could create a great opening to offer an alternative vision of what 2012 could be for our planet. Potentially, 2012 could represent the coming-to-consciousness of the human species, in which we take responsibility for our role as agents of conscious evolution.

A rising grassroots movement now realizes we can no longer expect governments, corporations, or any outside authority to create the beautiful world we long to live in. We have to do it ourselves. This growing network of Evolvers, Burners, Bioneers, Transition Towners, and others are developing new cooperative networks that can help heal our planet while providing sustainable solutions to the disastrously unsustainable economic and political systems that disempower people, keeping them asleep.

For this month’s Spore, cities across the world will host conversations on 2012 and the evolution of consciousness, including “counter-screenings” to Sony Pictures’ “2012” world-catastrophe film.


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